
I am expert at this; having an extensive background
in Fine Art and years of professional make-up experience under my belt.
If you look around, you'll find nobody better than me at face-painting. The people I've done face-painting for include:
• Earth Circus (http://www.earthcircus.com)
• The City of Oakland (an event with about 60 school children)
• The members of Niles City Council
• And many more, at children's parties and for teenagers and grown ups
In my time in the film industry and free-lancing, I was responsible for concepts, designs and application of various "looks".
Here are some examples of my designs:
Douglas B. Jones |
The skull element of the above mask
Doug made
in 1980. Based on
"Killer on the Rampage"
makeup from the movie,
The Purge: Anarchy.

If you are a fan of The Walking Dead, I can create truly ghastly zombie faces and makeups, too!! |
I perform puppet stories, embellished with music and special voices. These are
original comedic tales in which I interact with the audience, often roaming among
them to talk with the audience and improvise parts of the act. Scripted elements
with music often feature my own creation, a hand-made puppet partner called Dragonetti the Dragon, with his pals Hinton the Hippo and Ophelia Ostrich. These
stories have drama, laughs and a gently indicated moral. The message is always to be
When I do Dragonetti Visiting the Science Museum, it tells of his visit there where
he unintentionally terrifies the staff at first , but when they understand he's
friendly - and a non-meat eater! - they convince him to come back and get stuffed!
He thinks it's like a Thanksgiving for a vegetarian flying dragon. But when told
what it really means, he faints and only the kids can rouse him by clapping hands
and shouting, ever louder, "...wake up, Dragonetti!"
Coming soon: photos of my puppet partners, concept sketches of ones to come, and
snippets of the music and songs which feature in my shows.
I like to get all the audience involved, no matter what their age, and get a
charge of energy from their reactions. Every puppet show so far has been a smash,
leaving me even happier than the crowds I entertained, so -- I anticipate a great
time for us all.
I'm the musician for you. Expert at guitar and vocals. You can hear samples of my
playing and singing on YouTube "Femme Fatale"
MP3 Samples: Eight O Five » Black Rose »
On some of these tracks I sing lead, play baritone electric guitar and organ. When I play
alone it's usually with a guitar reinforced with a small amplifier . But piano or
other keyboard sounds are available if I bring my portable keyboard. I know a wide
variety of songs and instrumentals do them quite well, from Jazz to Pop to Folk, and
Comedy Novelty tunes. I also do the music for more somber occasions like memorial
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I will include some samples of paintings and sculpture here, more coming soon. |